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The biography of Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi 
Amir of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Sham 

Name: Abu Dua, Ibrahim bin Awad bin Ibrahim Al-Badri Al-Radawi Al-Husseini Al- 
Samarra'i. He is descendant from the tribes of Al-Sada Al-Asharaf Al-Badriyin (Al- 
Bu'Badri) Al-Radawiya Al-Husayniyya Al-Hasimiyyah Al-Qurayshiya Al-Nizariya Al- 

Marital status: Married 

He is a former teacher and educator and a well known preacher, and a graduate from the 
Islamic University in Baghdad and he studied in it the academic levels (Bachelor, 
Masters and PhD) he was known as a preacher and erudite in Islamic culture, and Sharia 
knowledge and Fiqh, and an expert in the sciences of history and noble lineage, and he 
has a wide relations and clear impact on the members of his tribe in Diyala and Samarra 
until they declared on a fully voluntary and total certainty their Baya'a to the Islamic 
State of Iraq and its first Amir (Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi Al-Qurayshi) when they gave 
Baya'a to the Amir and the State in the beginning of its establishment and appearance on 
the Jihadi arena in Iraq in the official deceleration in the last ten days of the month of 
Ramadan 2006. It is known that Dr. Ibrahim Awad is from the most prominent figures of 
Al-Salafiya Al-Jihadiya and one of its most famous theorists in Diyala and in the city of 
Samarra in the mosque of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal rahimahullah. He is a man from a 
religious family. His brothers and uncles include preachers and professors of Arabic 
language, rhetoric and logic. Their Aqeeda is Salafiya. His father sheikh Awad is from 
the elders of Al-Bu'Badri tribe, he loves the religion, and from the callers to decency and 
virtue and from the supporters of promoting of virtue and preventing of vice, and his 
grandfather Haj Ibrahim Ali Al-Badri is a man known of his persistency on 
congregational prayer, and being good to his kin, and keenness to the needs of the modest 

families, and Haj Ibrahim died a few years ago in the post occupation era after he lived 
long in this Dunya in obedience and being good to his kin and good deeds, and Allah 
with His grace and favor prolonged the life of late Haj until he almost reached 95 years 
old. The absence of an audio or video recording for Dr. Abu Dua isn't because of his lack 
of rhetoric or weak language or something like that, this is not true because the man is 
has an eloquent speech and strong language, and has an obvious acumen and smartness 
so he combined between two characteristics of the former Amirs of the State when he 
combined the calmness and leisureliness of Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi and his high security 
sense, and took much of the cleverness and courage of Abu Ayub Al-Masri. 

The security and military experience of Dr. Abu Dua increased by practice in the past 
eight and half years of fighting and attack and retreat. He incited on fighting and he 
himself fought then he was captured and released, he engaged in many battles, and 
established Jamaats and participated in establishing others and supported it then he joined 
Majlis Shura Al-Mujahidin and the Islamic State of Iraq as a member of the Majlis Al- 
Shura, until he became in the official declaration of the State in 16 May 2010 as Amir of 
the Islamic State of Iraq, and he didn't reach that status except by passing through several 
stages until he was worthy for that post. 

In the beginning he worked with several of his companions in establishing Jamaat Jaish 
Ahli Sunnah wa Al-Jamaah that was active in particular in the provinces of Diyala, 
Samarra and Baghdad, and head the Sharia Committee of the Jamaat, this Jamaat later it 
gave Baya'a and joined Majlis Shura Al-Mujahidin one week after it was declared, and 
then Dr. Abu Dua joined the Sharia Committees of the Majlis and he became a member 
of the Majlis Al-Shura, and after the declaration Islamic State of Iraq he became the 
General Supervisor of the Sharia Committees of the Wilayahs and a member of the 
Majlis Al-Shura of the Islamic State of Iraq also he has an obvious and influential role in 
the Baya'a of some of the tribes of Samarra to Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi, and he 
participated in the Baya'a of his tribe and its youth to the State, and as years passed it was 
logical that Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi Al-Husseini Al-Qurayshi (Hamid Al-Zawi) to 
succeed him, and there is no doubt in that because "Abu Mahmud" had a high security 
sense, and he had his calculations and he expected all possibilities and recommended that 
Dr. Abu Dua be his successor. 

This biography has been collected to support and do justice to Amir Al-Baghdadi, whom 
they criticized with sharp tongues, and forgot his ardor, determination and support for the 
people of Syria with money and soul despite of the hardships, and send a copy to those 
who do not know the people of jihad and their favor and significance. 

So won't the people of theories who sit at home restrain their tongues from criticizing the 
men of jihad???!!!